There is no question too big or too small for our veterinary team. Below are some answers to our most common questions.

We proudly serve the pets of Springfield, OR and beyond.

At Wilvet South, we get a ton of interesting questions from pet parents. Below are some common FAQs that might help answer any questions or concerns. Please feel free to call us at 541-838-0577 for any other concerns you might have about your pet.

What are your hours?
24 Hr. Urgent Care
Are you open on the weekends?
24 Hr. Urgent Care
What type of pets do you see?

We see cats and dogs and exotic care on Fridays (call for availability).

What are your payment options?

All major credit cards, cash, and CareCredit and Scratch Pay.

How can I schedule an appointment for my pet?
We ask that you call ahead to let us know that you are coming in.

We work on a triage basis similar to a Human ER, and will see patients based on the severity of their condition, starting with animals who are experience life-threatening illnesses or injuries first. Our team will perform an initial “triage” evaluation of your pet and assign a level of severity. This helps to determine the order in which pets are seen in regard to the time of presentation.

What services do you provide?
We provide mentioned services Urgent Care, Emergency, Referral/Overnight Care, Ultrasound.